Media Center for Android (smart) TV.

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asked by (120 points)
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Is their an app that I can install on my smart (Android) TV to manage the tuner like Windows Media Center on a PC with a TV tuner? EPG and PVR functions on my Kogan Smart TV are poor. Though the Kogan TV is great value with superb picture quality they sure skimped on user friendliness EPG, PVR & Timeshift by displaying the time/mode on-screen permanently as if to annoy you and remind you that bought cheap. Can not change channels from EPG is also annoying. Makes you realise just how wonderful Windows media centre is for TV viewing and recording.

There seems to be some confusion with my question. Allow me to clarify. I have a 'so-called' Smart TV. That is a TV with android OS allowing a person to play games and surf Internet. I use my PC for that. But being able to play movies of various formats,etc from usb is cool.

But what I want to be able to do with android (in my TV) is control the TV tuner like Windows media centre can control a tv tuner in a PC as the Kogan EPG & PVR functions are very poor and frustrating.

Knowing kogan it may not be possible for android to access the tuner anyway, I will have to contact them to find out.

I do not want to use an android device to remote control a Windows media centre PC.

Is there an android app that can access the tv tuner and allow control like windows media centre does on a PC with a tuner?

I hope my question is clear :)

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

For this job you can use My Media Center app that it's available on the Play Store. After you've installed the application, you will be offered the possibility to configure it using the wizard and the tutorials available.

commented by (120 points)
well,you screwed me on this one.
it is for connecting to PCs with media centre.
not for using on smart TV with android!!!
0 votes
answered by

XBMC is a streaming media centre that can be installed on allot of devices.

Do a google search for further info.

Here's a link for android installation....

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