Calibration of BSNL Penta 709C tablet.

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No avatar asked by (140 points)
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Can anybody guide me how to calibrate the touchscreen of BSNL Penta 709c tablet? Is there any Android app available for it or anything which already exists in the system software?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Please enter Settings > Display and select Calibrate. Place the device on a flat and steady surface then press Calibrate and wait until the device finishes the process and that's it. The tablet is now calibrated and provides accurate results.

commented by (140 points)
Hi, thanks for your prompt response but there is no such option in Settings > Display.
commented by (193k points)
According to the official information for this product, the tablet features a Calibration settings page. The above answer was recommended according to the information found about this device. Please visit every menu from the Settings page until you find it because it's there.
commented by (140 points)
can you please let me know in which version this option is present ?
I am holding Android 4.0.4, Kernel Version RK and Build number : Penta IS709C 2012017
commented by (193k points)
If the above solution don't work, please restart the tablet by keeping Power button + Menu Button. If you keep these two buttons press the tablet will begin the calibration process upon restart. It seems that this is another solution for BSNL tablets.
commented by (140 points)
Is any android application that can be downloaded and installed for this purpose
0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

There are plenty applications released nowadays that can help you calibrate the touchscreen of your tablet. I recommend checking the Play Store database. Use the following link and browse through the apps. I have narrowed down the result list to display only the apps from this category.

Note: It's even better if you have rooted your tablet, since most settings related to the touchscreen are stored on the system partition.

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