Why is it that my phone cannot be detected by my laptop? Only the USB driver is being detected, bluetooth is not working.

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asked by (120 points)
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Why is it that my phone cannot be detected by my laptop? Only the USB driver is being detected, bluetooth is not working.

commented by (15.6k points)
In order to provide you an accurate solution for your problem, it is important to tell me what's your phone's model, the OS you are working on and what kind of Bluetooth device you are using, if your device is using a transceiver that connects to your computer through a USB port and so on.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Laptop OS: Windows Vista Blue tooth usb device: terabyte - model: ER-030 Problem: No disc for driver given by the manufacturer. Now device driver is not being installed from the Laptop. How to transfer files from mobile phone Samsung model: GT7722 to Laptop

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answered by

Please click to visible to all devices instead of only to paired devices. Then it will work fine.

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