I need help with KGB Archiver 2 extraction.

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asked by about KGB Archiver
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Many many thanks for your answer, but my problem is still not resolved! As I told you my problem is: After I compressed my files with KGB Archiver, I've renamed the files. So now I see that there is no way to extract them! I've tried to extract my files with KGB Archiver.net.exe” but I meet such errors as:

Microsoft. NET Framework Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue. The application will ignore this error. If you click cancel it will close immediately. Access to registry key “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\KGBArchiver2_kgb\DefaultIcon’ is denied.

And the second error is: The directory name E:\kunexclution.kgb\ is invalid.

What should I do?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Please install Microsoft .NET Framework because you are lacking its installation. Also, when you start the application make sure that you run it with elevated rights (Run as Administrator). The application has been tested and it works without errors with latest version of .Net Framework installed.

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