How to update Android version 2.3 to 4.0?

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asked by (140 points)
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How to update Android version 2.3 to 4.0?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (3.3k points)

Generally, the process goes like this:

  1. Check with the phone manufacturer if there's an official 4.0 update for your phone. If there is, use it.

  2. If there isn't, check if your bootloader is unlocked (or is unlockable): dial # #service# # (i.e. # #7378423# # ), then go to Service Info -> Configuration. Look for a line that says 'Bootloader unlockable: yes' or 'Bootloader unlocked: yes'.

  3. If you see that your bootloader is unlockable, but isn't unlocked, look for the tool that unlocks the bootloader of your phone (check with the phone manufacturer first, then move on to Googling 'Your_phone_name unlock bootloader').

  4. When your bootloader is unlocked, you're good to go. Look for a 4.0 ROM compatible with your phone. E.g. look if your device is listed on or search the XDA forums.

  5. When you've found a compatible 4.0 ROM that you're happy with, look for flashing instructions (those should come along with the ROM itself).

  6. Flash the ROM to your device.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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It all depends on the model and brand of your phone. No matter if it's Samsung, Apple, Blackberry, Nokia or other brand, you will need to take advantage of the official companion applications that are available for each of the listed brands.

As for the Android upgrade, you need to download the required PC Companion, and connect the phone to the computer or use the OTA upgrade (over-the-air) if it's possible. You can do this from Menu > Settings > About Device> Software Upgrade. In order to perform this upgrade, you need to have an unmodified mobile phone and an active Internet connection, preferably from WiFi.

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