I watch wild life cams online. I would love to watch 8 to 10 cams at once on my screen. I am not sure what multi-view software or program I need. Can anybody help?

+2 votes
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I watch wild life cams online. I would love to watch 8 to 10 cams at once on my screen. I am not sure what multi-view software or program I need. Can anybody help?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (180 points)
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You can open each cam with VLC. But you must know the address.

+1 vote
answered (7.9k points)

You can do the same with KMPlayer, but yes, just place the address correctly as stated.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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For this operation, I would like to recommend a DVR capturing device which can hold up to 32 camera streaming sessions in one window. This is way more convenient than opening every webcam. A DVR PCI hardware has better support for this type of operations, but in case you are not OK with this suggestion, you can use WebView or MultiView. These applications work without specific hardware which should be OK in this situation.

commented (7.9k points)
Nice software, but it is not TV Cams that is being asked here, but Online Streaming of WildLife Cams, as in like here : lite.wildearth.tv/ or www.africam.com/. This kind. He has to have some Video player, which can play in multiple instances, and all live, which KMPlayer or VLC with some restraints give.

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