I need a new battery for my Packard Bell laptop.

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The battery for my Packard Bell Laptop Easy Note F7305, Model:MIT-TIT-N needs to be replaced. I am having trouble comparing one online. Could you assist, please?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

You can use Amazon or Ebay to look for a battery replacement for your laptop. Before you buy a new one, make sure that the seller is verified and it has enough reviews.

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Mozy, great video. I'm a consultant and nerlay everyone i speak to does NOT have a backup. They simply lose all their pictures, documents, etc when their HDD dies and never get them back. Most people aren't aware of the risks involved with keeping their data on one device. Though not as dramatic as smashing a laptop, hard drives have limited life and WILL die if you use them long enough. It's a matter of when, not if. I've used mozy for over two years and am very happy with their service.

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