Is there a Guitarist Virtual 2 version available anymore?

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asked by (120 points)
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I've been using Virtual Guitarist 2 since 2007. I have a Syncrosoft key that I've used to operate my Virtual Guitarist 2. I've moved to another town and I didn't use my Virtual Guitarist for quite some time. After installing my computer, I can't use my Virtual Guitarist anymore. I've tried to see my license through Syncrosoft but there was an error message. I've tried diferent USB ports. It looks like I don't have a licence on the dongle. The serial number for my Virtual Guirarist is 1350005392. I must have lost my registration number, I've checked with the help it said that a registration number cannot be used twice. How do I get about getting another one and use my Guitarist Virtual 2 again?

Thanks, Daniel Allaire.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This is a legacy product which means that it has been discontinued. You can't re-use or renew the product as it's not available anymore. As an alternative, you can use Electri6ity or Realstrat.

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