My PC is stucked with iCafe client.

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My PC is stucked with iCafe client. I can't do anything. Please help me!

2 Answers

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answered by (264k points)
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The problem with iCafe client is that it also installs parts of Deep Freeze which means that if you succeed in removing the client, next time you restart your computer it will be back. Please contact the administrator in order to properly remove the iCafe client because it can be removed using the administration password.

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If you cant even open taskmanager then First open your computer in safe mode then open windows registry editor(regedit.exe ) press ctrl f then type icafe in search youll get a registry as search result delete the folder registrys now youll see error message "some files missing need to run icafe" and youll get your windows theme back for a sec. immediately open task manager by right click on start bar and select open taskmanager now in taskmanager open processing tab close all unnecessary processes (specialy icafe clint) now delete entire installetion folder of icafe client then use "help uninstaller" to uninstall icafe client and all its registry's restart your computer and done (if you still facing some reg. problems (like black screen wallpaper) then creat another admin account and delete older. ihave done the same

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