I have a problem related to Ulead Gif-X 2.0

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asked by about Ulead GIF-X.Plugin
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Please, I'm having trouble when I use Ulead Gif-X 2.0 in Corel PSP X4, Windows 7 64-bit. The error I receive is: "Unable to load AniGif2.dll" but the file is in its place. Any idea about compatibility? Thank you!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)
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Please use the Windows Search and look for possible locations of this particular file: "AniGif2.8bf". Once you found this file, please delete it from all possible locations. Then perform a new installation of the Gif-X plug-in and it should work. For best results, try to install all the products from 0. This operation also eliminates any additional errors you may encounter.

0 votes
answered by

Stephen, unfortunately not worked! Now he's gone even the ammount of plugins! You have a new suggestion? thank you anyway.

0 votes
answered by

Open and run Paintshop as administrator and then the plugin will work

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