Is there a freeware or shareware registry cleaner application available?

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Is there a freeware or shareware registry cleaner application available?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

For cleaning purposes with no impact on your system's health, I recommend CCleaner because it's an application which does not harm your computer during the cleaning process and it does not delete important keys making your system unstable.

After the product has been installed, cick on Registry > Scan for issues and when it's finished press on Fix Selected Issues.

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answered by

I always check out this website before downloading registry software for pc/mac - - My personal favourite is smart pc fixer because it's just incredibly simple to use and does exactly what it's name suggests. A good mac alternative is detox my mac for similar reasons.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

I have used Registry Recycler which in my view, is features a strong scanners for diagnosing and fixing registry errors. I have always used it when i feel my PC needs registry maintenance.

Get it from here:

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answered by (1.3k points)

Which platform are you using for? I found a cleaner software recently called iPhone cleaner for Mac released by Macgo several days ago so it is on a free sale right now from its official website

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