Emperor's Mahjong functionality

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asked by about The Emperor's Mahjong
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Hello, for several years I've played Emperor's Mahjong 1.1. I own the original CD with the game and I play the game on a laptop with Windows XP. Suddenly the game will not play anymore, it only says that there is a mistake and it must close.

I have already tried to re-install the game but that does not work either.

Can you please tell me what to do? I am kind of addicted to this game and miss playing it. Please help!

Kind regards, Ingrid.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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It seems that something else is affecting the functionality of the application. Please restart the computer and continuously keep pressing the F8 button until the Windows service menu appears. Select Last known good configuration that worked and wait for Windows to load. With luck, if Windows saved information about your product, it will restore it back and then you can check the functionality of your game.

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