How to play Heroes of newerth with TriDef 3D?

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I've launched HON from Tridef but the 3D does not work. It says "This game does not use direct 3D 9, 10 or 11. It may not be compatible with TriDef."

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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The official website of the application supports the game you want to play. Please install the latest libraries regarding your DirectX installation. You can do this from the web by manually searching for DirectX 9, 10 or 11. After you install the updated versions of DirectX the application will work as it should.

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i was actualizad lib direct 11 9 (win 7 64) but the 3D does not work. It says "This game does not use direct 3D 9, 10 or 11. It may not be compatible with TriDef."

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solucion ya pude lograrlo

  1. ve a tridef ignition configuraciob y borra el perfeil del juego hon 2.ahora crea un nuevo perfil con un pefil en el que funcione tridef en mi caso fue el perfil de google earht (dx9) 3 guarda y reinicia pc y carga el juego desde ignition

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