Licensing for Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 has stopped working

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asked by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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answered by (15.6k points)

You can repair your Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 license by following a few simple steps. First, close all your Adobe applications. After that, download Adobe Licensing Repair Tool, which is an application that is able to upgrade the licensing service and repair a license file for several Adobe products, from the following link Run the License Service Update, install the application and follow the onscreen instructions. A second solution is to set the FLEXnet Licensing Service to Manual. In order to do that, you will have to choose Start and Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools and double-click Services. Double-click the FLEXnet Licensing Service from the list, click the Startup Type menu and then select Manual and apply the change. In the Services Status section, click Start, click Apply, OK and close all open dialogs. After performing these operations, your Adobe product should work just fine.

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