I import an excel file into PowerDesigner as a physical data model. The excel file associates a stereotype with each table. My stereotypes are “hub”, “sat”, “lnk”... and I'd like to be able to automatically color the tables according to the stereotype. Example: if stereotype hub, then the table is colored blue, if lnk, the table is colored red, but automatically because I have a file with 200 tables and doing it by hand is much too time-consuming. Especially since I need scalability.
I tried to add an extension, to associate a color for each stereotype but I encountered a problem, to apply the color to the table, I have to click on each table and reselect the stereotype, so not too manually. So I wanted to know if there is a manual way to do this.
===> My aim is to associate each stereotype with a color and have the table take that color, all automatically.
The result I want to have if I say that the Link stereotype is associated with the color red
So far, I've been working on an extension to add a color to each stereotype, but the problem is that the tables don't change color automatically. So here's the stereotype for lnk :