I'm having trouble installing the 3DXChat game

0 votes
asked by about 3DXChat

I've bought a membership to 3DXChat and want to play. However, I can't find any clear download or installation instructions anywhere and i'm having trouble to get the game running, does anyone know a guide or video to help me to get the game going?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (89.6k points)

Yes, there are guides and tutorials available online to help you with the installation and setup of the 3DXChat game. You can search for video tutorials on platforms like YouTube or visit the official website of 3DXChat for installation instructions.

0 votes
answered by (200 points)

Hey Eva!

There is a full installation guide available on https://www.3dxchatgame.com/3dxchat-download-and-installation/. It details the full process from purchasing the subscription to downloadingm extracting and installing the game.

I recently installed the game myself using this very same guide, so if you follow it to the letter you shouldn't have any issues.

Have fun!

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