Ive lost a group on vibre how do i get it back

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1 Answer

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answered by (91.4k points)

To retrieve a lost group on Viber, you can try the following steps:

  1. Open the Viber application on your device.
  2. Tap on the "More" tab located at the bottom-right corner.
  3. Select "Communities" from the menu.
  4. Look for the "Groups" section and tap on it.
  5. Scroll through the list of groups to find the one you have lost.
  6. If the group is listed, simply tap on it to rejoin.
  7. If the group is not listed, it is possible that you may have been removed or the group no longer exists.

If you were removed from the group, try reaching out to an admin or someone in the group who can provide you with an invitation link to rejoin.

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