How come studio one prime don't recognize my password but your site does recognize it ?

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No avatar asked by (100 points) about PreSonus Studio One

I've downloaded studio one 3.5 and as i want to launch it, i recieved a message that my user name or password is not correct. But i am logged on your site and my password and user name are actually correct !

1 Answer

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answered by (91.4k points)

This issue could be due to various reasons, such as an incorrect installation, a password issue, or a bug in the software. To resolve this, you can try resetting your password for Studio One Prime and ensure that you are using the correct credentials. If the problem persists, you may need to contact PreSonus support for further assistance.

commented by (100 points)
Still doesn't work, presonus support doesn't exist for free version. So i'll definitly never pay for it, looks like a trap isn't it ?

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