Acrobat Reader Error (110) upon opening a pdf after using Azwsoft EPUB DRM Removal (10.0.4)

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asked by about AzwSoft Ebook Drm Removal

Dear Sirs,

I am registered Azwsoft EPUB DRM Removal (10.0.4) user. Whilst this has worked fine over the past years with a number of newspapers and magazines, I have now come across a publication where after conversion I receive an error message in Adobe Acrobat Reader (my latest updated German Version is 23.006.20380). This error message is (as translated from my German version): '... in processing a page an error has occurred. On reading this document a problem has occurred (110)'.

Please kindly advise what the reason for this might be, how it can be solved and if there is a (free ?) upgrade on my Azwsoft EPUB DRM Removal (10.0.4) version.

Looking forward to hearing from you I remain

with best regards

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

The error message you are experiencing with the Azwsoft EPUB DRM Removal might be due to a compatibility issue with the Adobe Acrobat Reader or a problem with the converted document itself. To solve the issue, you can try updating both the Azwsoft software and the Acrobat Reader to their latest versions. Additionally, you can reach out to Azwsoft support for further assistance.

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