How can I delete events from eseecloud?

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asked by about EseeCloud

I have 100's of events I'd like to delete from eseecloud. How can I do this?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

Yes, you can delete events from EseeCloud. To do this, you can go to the event list or playback page, select the events you want to delete, and choose the delete option.

commented by (100 points)
I am on Android and my Eseecloud app does not have a delete option on the event list or playback page. It has" replay" or "view full video" as only options.
commented by (100 points)
Same question
0 votes
answered by

How do you even select events to delete them? My EseeCloud app wont let me select any videos and there is no delete option. I can hold my finger on it and all it does is play the video.

commented by (100 points)
having same issue , cannot find help.if you figure it out please post or email me
thank you
0 votes
answered by

Same issue. No option to select, no delete. The cameras don’t even consistently capture events. I have 2 cameras and I have the app on 2 phones. The app only alerts on one of my phones. Not buying anymore of these cameras!

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answered by

No this does not work, unable to select or delete

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answered by

How to delete events in EseeCloud camera there is NO DELETE EVENT?

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answered by

There is no delete option anywhere, I went through every button on each of My four cameras, I will contact Hiseeu and see what They say, I'm going to assume that the video's might drop off after a certain amount of time, I'm also going to be cynical and say that They want You to pay for cloud storage. I'll be back.

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answered by

I think, only way to delete events is to format SD card.

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answered by

System setup. And then look for hdd setup and then "format" . Cleans hard drive like new . Only way to delete.

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answered by

Where is the delete option to delete events?

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answered by

I'm not seeing a delete option. Where is it?

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