Problem when i try to open on my PPS file on Microsoft PowerPoint.

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asked by about Microsoft PowerPoint

You may see a message when i double click on the PPS file on Microsoft PowerPoint, says:

"The presentation cannot be opened. Your antivirus program may prevent you from opening the presentation. To fix this problem, make sure your antivirus program is current and working correctly. If the problem persists and the presentation is from someone that you trust, turn off your antivirus program, and then try to open the presentation again. If you do this, make sure you turn on your antivirus program again after you open the presentation."

Any problems? I could mean that PowerPoint may not be opened this file due to a closing on my program using a Task Manager is causing to have a running very slow properly. I could also needs to restart your computer when i close on my program and because, PowerPoint did not open a PPS file because due to a corrupted the required application files on Windows, and may caused due to a computer freezes, or the memory do have a running very slow properly and it causing to crash on my computer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (97.3k points)

User question: The user is facing difficulties opening a PPS file in Microsoft PowerPoint, encountering an error related to their antivirus program. They are wondering if the issue could be due to closing PowerPoint using Task Manager, as well as a possible corruption of required application files.

commented by (1.8k points)
You can reset this PC using Windows 8, 8.1 or later versions of Windows and then reopen a PPS file again after reinstalling this Office again if the antivirus program may prevent you from opening the presentation.

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