with win11 : I can open only the 000 disk

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asked by about Floppy Emulator

hello with Batch Manager Tool V1.40 I see the 100 disk, but when I want open 001Disk (for example), I see only the 000Disk on the explorer Can you help me tks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (85.3k points)

Yes, I can help you. It seems like you are having trouble opening disks other than the 000Disk using the Floppy Emulator program on Windows 11. Please provide more information about the issue so that I can assist you further.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (100 points)

Hi I try with compability mode (xp, win7, ...and administrator) Now I see all the disk

but I can't write : in fact it seem that I copy file on disk, but if I remove the usb and I put it again, the file is not on the copying

commented by (100 points)
everything works well on my yamaha piano with a floppy emulator from the gotek brand.

but :

on my PC I copy midi files, and they do not appear on the yamaha/gotek
and if I copy files with the yamaha/gotek, they do not appear on the PC
I don't understand

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