You can install the Hebrew language support for your PC using Regional Options from Control Panel of your computer. Based on the version of your Windows operating system you will need to take different steps.
Windows XP: Go to Regional and Language Options and click on languages then check: "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)" and follow the onscreen instructions.
Windows 7: Access the same section and click on Keyboards and Languages and click on Install/Uninstall languages. You will have the possibility to install languages from network or from the Internet through Windows Update.
Linux: Open a terminal window and get Root access. Type the following command and wait for the process to finish: apt-get install culmus xfonts-efont-unicode xfonts-efont-unicode-ib xfonts-intl-european msttcorefonts, then you can change localization from "System"-->"Administration"-->"Language Support"