Why Vpskeys4.3 does not work with Windows 11

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asked by about VPSKEYS

I download but it can not work

1 Answer

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answered by (99.8k points)

VPSKEYS is not officially supported on Windows 11 as it was last updated in 2005. There might be compatibility issues due to changes in the operating system. It is recommended to consider alternative input methods or try reaching out to the developer for any potential updates for Windows 11 compatibility.

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No avatar answered by (100 points)

Thank you your quick answer. Could you help me to give alternative input method. Thanks in advance

0 votes
answered by

to get VPSKEY to work on latest window version, go to control panel, programs,program & features, click on Run progam made from previous ersion window. Just follow the prompt and after you are done, you'll be able to use vpskey.

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