Thrane easyMail run-time error '6'

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I get "Run-time error '6' Overflow'' when I open my easyMail. Re-installing the software does not fix the problem. How do I fix this?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This error is related to Microsoft Data Access Components. The file that is supposed to handle the objects is either broken or missing. Please download the package then restart the computer and try to start the application again. You will see that the problem will be gone.

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I get the same error "Run-time error '6' overflow" when I use easyMail 1.13 and 1.15 version . The last time I used the program was October last year 2012 without any problems, now Feb. 2013 I started the same program on the same computer, with the same Windows XP and now all the time this error occurs.

The download you suggested is not for Windows XP.

Any other suggestions?

Cees a/b s/y Beau

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The answer about Microsoft Data access doesn't work. Suspect like a lot of Thrane and Thrane software its a bug!

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