Is it possible to maintain a single series serial number across 2 files? If Yes how do I do it?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about ThorX6
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I have 2 variants of the same product in different sizes. I have made 2 thorx6 files to adjust for the size difference. I want to know if it is possible for me to maintain a single serial number for both files? Can you please provide me with the steps to maintain single serial number for both files. Example- product A has been marked with 810 serial number. the next marking that is for Product B ( Different Tx6 file) gets the serial number 811.

1 Answer

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answered by (99.8k points)

Yes, it is possible to maintain a single serial number across 2 files in the ThorX6 program.

commented by (120 points)

Can you please provide me with the steps to do the same?

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