I need Ralink RT5390 Bluetooth driver 4.0 for Windows 8 Professional.

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I need Ralink RT5390 Bluetooth driver 4.0 for Windows 8 Professional. Any help?

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)

The product you mentioned is a PCI wireless card and in no way has anything to do with Bluetooth. You can read about the product on its official website.

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Andrew's answer is not correct. The Ralink RT5390 wireless card does support 802.11 b/g/n and bluetooth. Here is a good link for a common Linux issue with this card ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1703941 ).

Official driver download page for Win/Mac/Linux (as of 10/03/2014): http://www.mediatek.com/en/downloads

P.S.- I realize this is an old thread, but Google puts it in the top five results for "RT5390 bluetooth" and the inaccurate information in the summary may discourage people from fixing their problem.

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