how do i set a qrcode on a chargepoint ?

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asked by about IP Config Tool

on ConfigTool_V1.0.4 there is an option to set a qrcode but when i press "Set QRcode with SN" i returns set success! but nothing appears on the chargepoint's screen, how do set it and how do i set the url to redirect to ?

1 Answer

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answered by (92.9k points)

To set a QR code on a chargepoint using the IP Config Tool, you need to ensure that the chargepoint's screen is compatible with displaying QR codes. If nothing appears on the chargepoint's screen after setting the QR code with the serial number, it could indicate a compatibility issue or a problem with the chargepoint itself. To set the URL to redirect to, you may need to provide additional information or consult the documentation or support for the specific chargepoint model.

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