Mojang America, Another A Joint Venture Company Was Previously Called As Columbia TriStar Interactive.

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asked by about Minecraft

Columbia TriStar Interactive, originally created by Sanford Panitch and Nicole Brown in 1994 as a short-lived subsidiary of Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group focused on the video games. After seven years of operation, the division was shut down on 2002.

Most of the Columbia TriStar Interactive division was folded into the Sony Computer Entertainment as an independent subsidiary for the PlayStation's video game console development, and the division were superseded into the Mojang Studios as a subsidiary to its division, Microsoft Game Studios.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (94k points)

The given information provides background about the history of Mojang America (which was previously called Columbia TriStar Interactive) and its connection to Sony and Microsoft Game Studios. It does not ask any specific question.

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