I have an unknown webcam, and I cannot find the proper drivers for it

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asked by (120 points)
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Hello, there. I have a webcam which I have been using for a while now, and it works well enough but there are some features which I cannot access due to the fact that I do not have the proper drivers installed.

I have followed a tutorial and ended with nada. There are plenty of driver websites that came up, but they all were very suspicious, and when I clicked what appeared to be the download button for the drivers, ended up giving me a download manager for their website.

The name which Windows has given the webcam is USB2.0 UVC VGA (which seems very generic), and here is the hardware ID of the camera:


Assistance would be great!

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

The hardware ID belongs to Eye 320SE webcam and Acer Aspire 4315. You can download drivers for both and install them without worry.

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