Is it compatible with Windows 2000?

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No avatar asked by (2.5k points) about Minecraft

Is it compatible with Windows 2000?

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Windows 2000 does not used to play the Minecraft game but it was unsupported. The game is only available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or later future updated versions of Windows.

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To upgrade from Windows 2000 to Windows 7, you must have used for the old Compaq desktops, first, insert a Windows 7 original CD-ROM drive and then reinstall and upgrade to Windows 7. Once finished, your Windows 7 would be upgraded to the latest version and ready to start for this program and enjoy using the Minecraft game.

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If the game does not work with Windows 2000, make sure that the game uses a NVIDIA graphics driver to have been installed and the game should do have a 3D acceleration.

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No avatar answered by (120 points)

I do also for the old Compaq laptop to have an installed for Windows 2000 but the Minecraft game has still not working, but the operating system needs an upgrade to Windows 7. But, Windows 2000 has a very old operating system but i still needs to upgrade it.

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No avatar answered by (1.8k points)

Hi. I suggested to upgrade on my Windows 7 and still be played the Minecraft game, but i need. Windows 7 is now recommends to upgrade and play a game. Thank you for help.

commented by (1.8k points)
You can upgrade to Windows 7 to enable this feature and wants needs a 3D acceleration to enable and play the Minecraft game.

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