Error loading file

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asked by about Relief Data Entry System

I cannot proceed adding data to the system. This is the error message:
"Error loading file - record number 8. FRMSALES < or one of its members>. Loading form or the data environment : Record is out of range.

Line: 15"

Please help, how to I fix this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (89.6k points)

This error message indicates that there is an issue with loading a specific file or record in the Relief Data Entry System for Windows. The error points to a problem in the formset or data environment at line 15. To fix this, you may need to check the file or record mentioned in the error and ensure it is properly accessible or within the required range. It might also be helpful to review the formset or data environment settings to ensure they are correctly configured. If you continue to experience difficulties, you may want to reach out to the program's technical support for further assistance.

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