why is my present year balance sheet not showing retained earning (C/F) accumulative figure, but showing retained earning (B/F)last year figure?

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asked by about UBS Accounting System

1 Answer

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answered by (80.3k points)

This may be a technical issue with the software. It is recommended to contact the UBS Accounting System support team for assistance in resolving the issue.

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No avatar answered by (100 points)
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Accounting period: The balance sheet may be prepared for a specific accounting period, such as the end of the fiscal year. If the current year has not yet ended, cumulative retained earnings may not be calculated and included in the balance sheet. Accounting Method: Different accounting methods can affect the presentation of retained earnings. For example, if you use the cash method of accounting, it records transactions only when cash is exchanged, which may exclude some transactions related to retained earnings. But we're all human and we all just want to read reviews sometimes https://casinosanalyzer.ca/online-casinos/new-casinos and play interesting games. Reporting Practices: The presentation of financial statements may vary depending on reporting practices and rules specific to your industry or country. It may be that retained earnings are generally shown as the opening balance for the previous year (B/F) rather than the cumulative figure for the current year (C/F).

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