How can I convert a DRMed .lit file to .txt or .rtf?

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How can I convert a DRMed .lit file to .txt or .rtf?

3 Answers

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answered (8.1k points)
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DRMed is a format which is just like EPUB in Kindle. Hence you would have to install a Convertor software.

Here is a software which will help you achieve this results: (EPub Convertor) (TXT Convertor)

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

First you will need to download ConvertLIT GUI to remove the DRM because you will not be able to convert the file with the security options active. Download and install the application, select the DRMed file and follow the on-screen instructions.

After you have converted the file, use an online service to convert the file to TXT or RTF format.

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Of course there are many tools that you can use, but I just recommend the one I think it the best.

Step1: Remove DRM

Tool: DRM Removal

Step2: Convert lit to txt or rtf.

Tool: Calibre (free)

For details maybe you can refer to:

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