Hitachi is Isuzu, Daikin is Nissan...

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asked by about Hitachi LifeStudio

Guest, how they got your automobile and electronics companies confused. There's a connection between Hitachi and Isuzu cars, and a similar one between Daikin air conditioners and Nissan cars.

The DKB keiretsu contains Hitachi, Isuzu, and Meiji Seika.
The Fuyo keiretsu contains Daikin Air Conditioners, Nissan, and Sapporo beer.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (93.5k points)

The confusion between Hitachi and Isuzu and Daikin and Nissan is due to the fact that there are connections between these companies through business groups called keiretsu in Japan. Hitachi and Isuzu are part of the DKB keiretsu, while Daikin Air Conditioners and Nissan are part of the Fuyo keiretsu.

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