Can I share My Invoices & Estimates between computers?

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asked by about MyInvoices & Estimates Deluxe

Is it possible that someone can access from another computer the invoices I have completed?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (85.3k points)

Yes, it is possible to share My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe between computers, but you would need to either transfer the data file or use a cloud storage service to access it from multiple computers. However, others would not be able to access your completed invoices without your permission or access to your computer or cloud storage account.

commented by (130 points)
reshown by
I have two office computer both have the My invoice & Estimate Deluxe and are both on the same network. How do I put them on the same cloud storage so they can both see the same invoices?
0 votes
answered by (100 points)

Of course, it is very simple to accomplish if your computers have already formed a local area network.

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