I want the christian card studio

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No avatar answered by (87.4k points)

Hallmark Card Studio 2012 Deluxe is a software program that allows you to create and customize cards. It does not have a specific Christian card studio, but you can create your own Christian cards using the software.

commented by (100 points)
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Wow, thanks for the advice! Besides that I must say that as a college student I have done several writings as well about Christianity, also against it, more than that, in general I love to read and prefer to use this source https://graduateway.com/essay-examples/harrison-bergeron/ because there I found a lot of writings on different topics and by famous authors like Harrison Bergson, in fact I admire him because this person has described the situation so well, moreover he has written how he sees the future and I find this interesting because he describes it from a scientific point of view and I love such writings. Besides that I have to say that I don't actually believe in Christianity, but I find it interesting to read about it because there are many interesting historical moments, but I actually hope that one day I will understand why these people believe in it so much.

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