Why does bhava chalit chart show ascendant in different sign than Rasi chart?

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asked by about Jagannatha Hora

As opposed to Rasi position, planets change house in bhava chalit chart in relation to the ascendant. Why does your software show ascendant in a different sign in bhava chalit as opposed to its sign in rasi chart? That means ALL the planets will be in a different house not just one or two planets. Should not the ascendant be in the same sign as in the Rasi chart and only some planet change houses? Thanks

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (102k points)

The bhava chalit chart in Jagannatha Hora shows the ascendant in a different sign than the Rasi chart because it considers the degrees of the ascendant and not just the sign. This may cause a shift in the ascendant sign in the bhava chalit chart. All the planets may also shift houses in the bhava chalit chart as a result.

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answered by

did u change the setting to be d-1 asc instead of moon. and did you make kundli based on d-1 chart?

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