How to root ZTE Warp 2.3.5?

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I want to know how can I root my boost mobile phone ZTE Warp with Android 2.3.5 without a computer. I don't have access to a computer so what steps do I have to take to root my phone?

3 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)

first of all, what is the reason for you to root your phone? if you want to change the look of your phone, you can try 'Go launcher Ex'.

but, if you have decided to root your phone than try 'Cyanogenmod'. It will help you to fulfill your purpose.[this software doesn't need any PC assistance]

But remember that Rooting will cancel every legal warranty of your phone and some countries rooting is ILLEGAL.

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answered by (100k points)
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The computer part is a must because you will need to install a recovery image so you can apply an update to the system which will enable you to root your phone. The computer is used among the USB cable and a tool. Of course, there are other methods of rooting without a PC, but it's for other phone models.

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