How to download LG Bridge with Chromebook?

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asked by about LG Bridge
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Can i download the lg bridge with my Chromebook? Ibsaw on the LG site that only tye windows and mac can do it. If that is correct tyen when will it be available for the Chromebook?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by

It looks like they haven't created a version of LG Bridge for Chromebooks and Chrome OS, and of course since they are out of the mobile phone business, chances are they don't have any plans to create it now. There is the LG PC Suite App for Chromebook, but I haven't downloaded it yet to see if it can work as a Windows emulator and work around for the LG Bridge, since it only has Windows and Mac versions. I'm guessing you'd still have to download the LG Bridge app since it's designed for a very specific purpose, but if Chromebooks only download it without being able to install it, the problem still exists.

0 votes
answered by (240 points)

LG PC Suite is not suitable for this. You need a Windows or Mac device.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

To start the set up, click Next.

Click Next to start

Select a country and click Next to continue, check that you agree to the terms and conditions and click next

Select the location of where to save the program and click install Wait for the progress to complete and click Next.

Wait for the instalation and click Next when done if you wish to open the LG bridge, place a check mark next to the option and click finish to close the install.

This may help you, Rachel Gomez

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