Will updating to a new version erase my existing clips?

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asked by about Spartan

I'm a paid user with version 17 installed. I've been a Spartan user for at least a decade, I can't work without it. I had to reinstall version 17 a few years ago; in the process I lost 7 nearly full pages of research materials and reference quotes that I use daily. I had to reconstruct all of them on the new installation. I had a vague notion that they might be on the AppData storage but was too busy to learn how to retrieve them. I'm sure they are long gone by now.

I don't want to have to go through those headaches again. Please instruct me on how to safely update (do I need to make a backup etc?) to the most recent version. Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (102k points)

The answer to the question is that it is recommended to create a backup of your files before updating to a new version of Spartan, to avoid any possibility of data loss.

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