How to activate Riffstation?

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asked by about Riffstation
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2018 I bought your Riffstation 1.6 v. So far, the program has run well. When I launched the app today, I was asked to enter my registration information (when I purchased the app, I received the following information: Email: and Serial: E9NB-DKD2-M9PM-H9VQ-H57X-VTVY-SSTA. But when I do that I get the following answer - There has been an error processing your request. When I try to find the answer in the Ask a Question section by clicking on the link on the support page, it is reported that Oops, this help center no longer exists, although as I see the program is still buyable. Advise please how to run the purchased program. Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

It is recommended to contact Riffstation's customer support team for assistance with the activation issue. They can be reached through the support page on their website.

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answered by

Welcome to the club. I have the same issue,

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