Pattern Maker problem - invalid path. Would you please advise me of any solution to this issue?

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asked by about Pattern Maker for cross stitch
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Hi there,

I did have the pattern maker software with me on my desktop computer, however, I did encounter some problems as I tried to open the.XSD file that my designer friend sent to me to make some final changes and realized that I totally cannot open the file as it popped out the message by saying the file contains an invalid path. Would you please advise me of any solution to this issue?

Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (102k points)

The error message "invalid path" means that the file is not located in the correct directory or folder that the program is searching for it. You may try moving the .XSD file to a different folder or re-installing the program. Alternatively, you can contact the customer support for Pattern Maker for cross stitch for further assistance.

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Zmień nazwę pliku i pozostaw rozszerzenie xsd. Działa na 100%

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