How StreamingVideoProvider is more secure PPV hosting service if we compare it with its competitors?

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asked by about StreamingVideoProvider

As everyone know that StreamingVideoProvider has numerous competitors including DaCast, Brightcove and Vimeo. How can we trust it more than its competitors in terms of security. Security has been the is the foremost concern of digital content producers and this factor can't be ignored before choosing StreamingVideoProvider as video hosting platform.

3 Answers

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Digital content producers, especially those who want to earn through it always prefer the most secure platform. I started hosting my video lectures on StreamingVideoProvider 3 years ago and my video content was never copied, re-shared or compromised. Setting up my PayPal account and receiving earnings has always been super easy and the best part, they don't deduct in terms of commission and give you 100% of your earnings. With StreamingVideoProvider your video content is very secure and you will have more control over it if you compare StreamingVideoProvider with others. The features like RTMP Data Encryption, Security Password, Domain, Geo and IP Locking, ensure un-authorized access and downloading your content. The features always give me peace of mind!

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

Flawless data encryption, no deduction of commission from your earnings through pay-per-view, comparability with all payment gateways, real time support, download protection, are a few features that made StreamingVideoProvider my first choice as PPV Video Hosting Platform.

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answered by

Download protection, video encryption and IP restriction are the features which most of the video hosting providers don't offer collectively. StreamingVideoProvider offers these features by default to every single subscriber.

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