Can I get a replacement OF original lb 2010 or a download through email?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Lotto Buster 2010
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I purchase lotto buster 11 years ago from Colorado with a product key no.A28-12479. the cd is now malfunctioning due to frequent changes and damages of computer. When an attempt is made to install the software , it says the cd is not original whereas it is. I would need a replcacement, if possible through email. Thank you.

Best regards,

Kunle Akande BUARI.

1 Answer

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answered by (99.8k points)

It is not possible to provide a replacement or download of "Lotto Buster 2010" through this platform. You should reach out to the software developer or the place where you purchased the software to inquire about a replacement or alternative solutions.

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