What is the location of configuration file that contains added camera info, users, etc ?

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asked by about HiP2P Client

I have cameras configured on one computer but need to change over to another computer. I want to keep everything as it is. I tried copying the entire HiP2P folder over but it opens like a new install with no added cameras. Is there a file located somewhere other than the HiP2P folder that has this info so I can copy it over?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (480 points)

On the old system use the HiP2P Other Setting panel to create a backup of your settings, look at the bottom right where it says Export Parameters. Click on that and it will prompt you for your psw for admin access to HiP2P., next you will see the Browse for Folder to pick where you want to save the settings file. My last file was named 2022-07-27-14-02-08.dat Pay attention to where it saves it so you can copy it to the new HiP2P system and then use the Import Paramenters to carry your settings over. Then it's best to restart HiP2P to get everything back.

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