Error message "System has not been configured properly" for Cool Edit Pro

+1 vote
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I have a CD copy of Cool Edit Pro. I've run the CD and I get an error message: System has not been configured correctly to run Cool Edit Pro. Please run setup again.

What is it exactly that I need to reconfigure? I'm running Windows XP Pro.


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I'm running Cool Edit 2000 under Windows XP, which has worked just fine until today. I had some other problems which are now cleared up (I have no idea what caused them or how they got fixed - much rebooting) but Cool Edit stills gives the ERROR. Neither suggestion above worked. Any other ideas?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by

Thanks Andrew Constandache, i've the same problem with windows 8 and cool edit 2000, it WORKS!!! THANKS!

0 votes
answered by

run as administrator and work (click dreapta)

0 votes
answered by

... bump solution works, but after that drag & drop does not anymore, which is a big pain. thanks for any hellp

–1 vote
answered by (100k points)
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This is an error with the Windows operating system itself. The solution to this problem, as stated on the Microsoft Knowledge base, is to reinstall the application again.

commented by (100 points)
you dont gotta do none of the random deleting that everyone is doin i had that problem and all i did to fix it was right click on cool edit go to properties i have windows 8 so i went to compatibility click on run as compatible and run as admin apply and your str8.
commented (7.9k points)
Awesome man, nice reply & cool tip. It works.
commented by (100 points)
Thank you for your knowledge. Cool Edit. I can now function again

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