Can I do a hard reset of my UMX Max phone?

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I can't get past the android screen. All it does is loop. I took it back to the store but due to a small crack in the screen, they wouldn't give me a replacement. The phone worked fine for 9 days before it decided to act up. Is there anyway that I can either reload the Android operating system or do a hard reset of the device through my PC?

Any help would be appreciated. I really can't afford a new phone.

20 Answers

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my umx is not wanting to charge this is my 2nd one the first one charge 5 hours would not turn on so the sent me this one whats going to happen when I tell them this phone is not worth it I don't want another umx !! how is the blue phone?

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My umx doesn't want to charge and this umx phone i had it for years now

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