Is Gujarati Indic IME available for Ubuntu 12.10?

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For different versions of Windows including XP/Vista/7 etc, the Gujarati Indic IME 1 V5.1 or its higher versions are available for installation. When googling, I could not find it for Ubuntu versions. Through this software, one can select the language (e.g. Gujarati in this case) by toggling some keys. English remains the default one. It also initiates the view of keyboard at the left bottom of the desktop.

Could anyone help me find this software which I could install in Ubuntu?

Thanks in anticipation, Navin Talati!

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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You are right, Guajarati Indic IME is available only for the mentioned operating systems. The software and the languages were created only for Windows. On the other hand you can use IBus as an alternative to Guajarati Indic.

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