Temperature gradient and interpretation modules not running

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asked by about Interactive Petrophysics API

I am making use of IP v4.2 for my thesis, I am new to it. But despite my thoroughly following the guide, I am stuck at Temperature gradient, it simply will not run. And also the Interpretation parameter zones will not run. I also have IP v3.5, but these functions work smoothly thereBut obviously I prefer IP v4.2 because it has more functions.

I would appreciate some help, if there any steps i might be missing maybe. Thank you

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (87.4k points)

It is possible that there might be specific steps or requirements that you are missing while trying to run the Temperature gradient and Interpretation parameter zones modules in Interactive Petrophysics API v4.2. It could be helpful to reach out to the software support team or consult the user guide/documentation for troubleshooting steps.

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